
Have Fun 3 - Review 2

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  • Spell: J U N G L E
    J U N G L E
  • What are they?
    They're bumper cars.
  • Complete: I have a...
  • Is he happy or sad?
    He's happy.
  • Answer: How many . . . can you eat?
    I can eat (5) candy apples.
  • What are they?
    They're jellybeans.
  • What's the matter?
    I have a sore throat.
  • What is it?
    It's an orca.
  • Say the number: 10th
  • Is she angry or calm?
    She is angry.
  • Complete: I touch with my...
  • What are they?
    They're giraffes.
  • Where are bears from?
    They're from USA.
  • Complete and say: Ninety-eight, ninety-nine, _________.
    Ninety-eight, ninety-nine, one hundred.
  • Complete: I see with my...
  • What is it?
    It's a Ferris Wheel.
  • Where are cheetahs from?
    They're from Africa.
  • Answer: How many ......... can you drink?
    I can drink (2) cans of soda.
  • Spell: A N T E A T E R
    A N T E A T E R
  • What's the matter?
    I have a runny nose.
  • Complete and read: thirty-eight, _______, forty.
    Thirty-eight, thirty-nine, forty.
  • Spell: H O S P I T AL
    H O S P I T A L
  • What is it?
    It's a chocolate bar.
  • Spell: M E D I C I N E
    M E D I C I N E
  • Say the number: 2nd