
Weather Feeling

  •   0%
  •  0     0     0

  • Are you full?
    Yes, I am.
  • Is he hungry?
    Yes, he is.
  • How's the weather?
    It's sunny.
  • It's cold.
    How's the weather?
  • Are you happy?
    No, he isn't. He's tired.
  • How's the weather?
    It's windy.
  • How's the weather?
    It's rainy.
  • Are you sad?
    Yes, I am.
  • Is she hungry?
    No, she isn't. She's thirsty.
  • How's the weather?
    It's cloudy.
  • Is she hungry?
    No, she isn't. She is angry.
  • Is she bored?
    Yes, she is.
  • It's hot.
    How's the weather?