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  • Define in your own words "traits" and share a sentence.
    Traits: a quality or characteristic, typically one belonging to a person.
  • Share a sentence with "patent".
    E.G. Her invention wasn't protected by a patent.
  • What can golden rice help prevent?
  • The teacher asks a "Yes/ No" question. You have to answer without saying "yes/ no" (remember the "other ways to say yes/ no).
    YES: Sure thing, Difinitely, Yeah, Yep. / NO: I think not, of course not, no way, nah.
  • Spell the gerund form of: Run
  • Share a sentence using the slang "to pig out".
    E.g. I piggued out at Fernanda's party 'cause the food was pretty delicious.
  • What's the difference between a restrictive and a non- restrictive appositive?
    The restritive has essential information, the non- restricitive doesn't.
  • What's an appositive? (use your own words)
    It's a noun or noun phrase that renames another noun near to it.
  • Share a sentence using "shipped".
    E.g. They shipped tomatoes by truck.
  • Share a sentence using the slang "not a big deal".
    E.g. This math homework is not a big deal, I just have to focus.
  • Spell the past form of: Trip
  • Spell the geurund form of: Dance
  • Share a sentence using an appositive.
    "Mario, my best friend, is gonna get married".
  • Spell the past form of: Dry
  • What are the "vertical farms"?
  • "I owe you one" is the same that...
  • Share a sentence using "attitudes".
    E.g. Her attitudes toward the goverment are controversial.