
The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle

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  • What did the hungry caterpillar eat on Monday?
    He ate one apple.
  • What color are the caterpillar's eyes?
    They are green and yellow.
  • What came out of the little egg?
    A little caterpillar
  • Name the four stages of the butterfly.
    Egg, caterpillar, cocoon and then butterfly
  • In the end what did the caterpillar change to?
    A beautiful butterfly.
  • Complete this sentence - He was still ____________.
  • What did the hungry caterpillar eat on Wednesday?
    He ate three plums.
  • Name two round things that can be seen in the sky?
    The moon and the sun.
  • What did the hungry caterpillar eat on Friday?
    He ate five oranges.
  • What did the hungry caterpillar eat on Thursday?
    He ate four strawberries
  • What did the hungry caterpillar eat on Tuesday?
    He ate two pears.
  • Name five things that the hungry caterpillar ate on Saturday.
    lolipops, sausage, pickle, swiss cheese, chocolate cake, ice cream cone,watermelon, cherry pie , watermelon
  • Who wrote The Hungry Caterpillar?
    Frank Sinatra
    J.K. Rowling
    Michael Buble
    Eric Carle
  • What color is the caterpillar's head?
    It is red!
  • What did the very big caterpillar build?
    A cocoon.