
Money Problems

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  • My ATM pin is a secret and I should keep it private. True or False
  • I have $12.00 in my wallet and I want to buy a meal at Subway for $8.00. Do I have enough money?
  • I walk dogs to make extra money. I charge $10.00 for each walk. If I walk 2 dogs, how much will I make?
    10 + 10 = $20.00
  • I buy flowers for my mother for $12.00. I give the cashier $15.00, what is my change?
    15 - 12 = $3.00
  • I have $5.00 in my wallet. I want to buy coffee for $3.00. Do I have enough money?
  • When I use an ATM, I need to enter 4 numbers. These numbers are called my ____.
  • I go to the store to buy ingredients for dinner. I buy pasta for $3, sauce for $2, and ground beef for $5. What is my total?
    3 + 2 + 5 = $10.00
  • I go to Coney Island and order a grilled cheese for $5.00 and fries for $2.00. What is my total?
  • When I put money INTO my bank account, this is called a DEPOSIT or WITHRAWAL?
  • I buy smoothie and it costs $6.00. I give the cashier $10.00. What is my change?
  • I am going to the bank to take money out. What is this called?
  • I like to get fries on Fridays. Fries cost $2.00. I have $1 bill, and 4 quarters. Do I have enough money?
    Yes. $1 + 4 Quarters = $2.00
  • I am going to the movies with a friend and I buy my ticket for $7.00, popcorn for $5.00, and a pop for $2.00. What it my total?
    7 + 5 + 2 = $14.00
  • I have $20 in my wallet. I just bought a magazine for $5.00 and now I want a book that costs $10.00. Do I have enough money to buy both?
    Yes. $5 + $10 = $15, $15 is less than $20
  • I want to buy candy from the vending machine. I have 0.75 cents. Can I buy a Snickers for 0.80 cents OR Skittles for 0.50 cents?
    Skittles, the Snickers is too much money
  • I have $3.00 in my wallet, then I find a $5 bill on the ground. How much money do I have now?