
What would you like to eat?

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  • Where is the restaurant?
    It's next to the theater
  • How can I get there?
    you can take a boat
  • What would you like to eat?
    I would like a bar of chocolate
  • What's this?
    A glass of lemonade
  • What's the direction?
    Go straight ahead
  • Where is this?
    This is a stadium
  • Fruit is good .................our health
  • What does the direction mean?
    Turn right
  • What's this?
  • .................eggs does Mary eat every week? - Two eggs
    How many
  • ........can we get there? - By car
  • Where is the stadium?
    it's on the corner of the street
  • Where is this
    This is a museum
  • Where is the Bus stop 1?
    It's opposite the bus stop 2/ It's next to the post office
  • How _______glasses of milk do you drink everyday?