
Gathering blue CH 1-4

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  • What was Jamison's profession?
    He was a woodcarver
  • What did Vandara suposedly do to her child?
    She is rumored to have forced her tyke to eat the oleander, a poisonous plant.
  • Who is Kira's defender in the trial?
    Jamison, a member of the Council of Guardians
  • 9What accusation does Vandara make against Kira concerning the village tykes (children)? (CH 3
    Kira tells them stories and teaches them games
  • During the break in the trial, what did Matt tell Kira he and his friends were up to?
    They were helping rebuild Kira's cot
  • What did Jamison wear in the back of his long dark hair?
    He wore a wooden ornament.
  • What is the Ruin that Kira refers to? CH 3
    The end of the civilization of their ancestors
  • What happens at the yearly Gathering that Kira's people attend?
    Someone sings a song that tells the entire history of people.
  • What is Kira asked to demonstrate to the Council of Guardians?
    How she drags her leg when she walks
  • Where does Kira travel to at the beginning of Chapter 3?
    The Council Edifice
  • According to Matt: Kira's pain makes her proud, but Vandara's pain makes her ___________.
  • Why is Kira not required to defend herself before the Council of Guardians?
    She is too young to do it by herself.
  • What does Vandara have on her face?
    A scar
  • According to village custom, what happens to a person's property once he or she dies from illness?
    All property and possessions are burned.