
Santiago- Energy

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  • We can use kinetic energy from ____ and ____ to produce electric energy
    water reservoirs and wind farms
  • What is the impact of fuel burnt for transport or thermal power stations on the earth?
    It produces gases and ash which pollute the air, increasing CO2 in the atmosphere and contributing to global warming
  • Where does natural gas come from? What is it used for?
    It comes from underground reservoirs and is used for heat or hot water
  • What is nuclear energy?
    Nuclear energy comes from nuclear centers and is generated from some chemical elements (like plutonium)
  • When fuels burn, they turn ___ energy into ____ energy
    thermal, chemical
  • What are the 4 Rs of saving energy?
    Reduce, reuse, recycle, recovery
  • What happens when we burn BIOMASS?
    It transforms into heat energy
  • What is sustainable development? Give an example
    How we reduce our environmental impact and waste production in order to respect our environment and allow future generations to live on Earth!
  • What is recovery?
    Restoring something in bad condition to make it useful again, like making organic waste into compost for gardens
  • What is transformation?
    The way different types of energy are changed to create electrical energy
  • Rocks and water in volcanic areas have lots of what type of energy?
    Thermal energy
  • What are mechanical and kinetic energy?
    energy of moving objects; depends on the speed and volume of objects (like moving vehicles)
  • How do we use coal?
    For electricity and heat
  • What is the term for carrying electric energy from one place to another?
  • What type of energy do waves and tides have?
    Kinetic energy
  • What is light energy?
    energy produced by objects that release light (like the sun)
  • The sun generates ____ and ____ energy, which can be converted into ____ energy
    light and heat; electric
  • What is the difference betwen renewable and non-renewable energy?
    Renewable energy sources can regenerate after they are used, but non-renewable sources are limited.
  • What is sound energy?
    energy produced by objects (like musical instruments)
  • Whatis BIOMASS?
    fuel-material that comes from organic waste
  • What radioactive materials can be used at nuclear power stations?
    Uranium and plutonium
  • What is thermal energy?
    A form of energy that some objects release when active (like the sun)