
Ch 21 The Roman Republic becomes an Empire

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  • What were the purposes of Roman Roads?
    improved the movement of goods and armies
  • What were aqueducts used for?
    To transport water from a water source into the city
  • What were colosseums used for?
  • Put the following in order: 1- People in government feared he was becoming too powerful. 2.- A group of patricians in the Senate plotted to assassinate him. 3- Jul Caesar ordered the Senate to make him dictator for life
    3, 1, 2
  • Can you see arches in bridges or domes?
  • What was established by Augustus Caesar that made trade easier throughout the Roman empire?
    A common currency
  • Name 3 ways Augustus Caesar changed Rome's government
    Set up a governor to oversee each province, established a civil service system, changed the tax system
  • Describe the Pax Romana
    period of stability, peace, and progress with no major wars
  • Who ruled during the Pax Romana?
    Augustus Caesar
  • What was used by the Romans to support high amounts of weight and reduce the amount of concrete used in the structure?
  • What architectural design was created to show soaring open spaces in the interior of temples, palaces, and public baths
  • What did Augustus Caesar use to establish the Roman Empire's borders?
    natural boundaries
  • Who established the Roman Empire?
    Augustus Caesar
  • What was Augustus Caesar's relation to Julius Caesar (2 ways)
    Great nephew and adopted son
  • How were sanitation systems made?
    System of sewers covered with stones
  • How did the Pax Romana effect the provinces economies? (flourished or suffered)
  • What was Julius Caesar known for in his earlier career?
    Being a powerful general
  • How did Julius Caesar gain favor and popularity amongst the plebians?
    Through his military leadership and reforms to help the poorer communities