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  • What's one thing you can do at school as a part of your daily routine?
    go to school, eat lunch, play with my friends
  • Where is the cat? (prepositions: in, on, over, under, between, next to)
    The cat is in the box
  • Tell me about your family. (I have...)
    I have...
  • What is a thanksgiving dessert?
    pumpkin pie
  • Name the four seasons
    Winter, spring, summer, autumn
  • Tell me about your hobbies. (My hobbies are...)
    My hobbies are...
  • Where is the cat? (prepositions: in, on, over, under, between, next to)
    The cat is under the chickens.
  • What's your name?
    My name is... 
  • What's one thing you do in your bathroom as a part of your daily routine?
    I brush my hair/teeth, get dressed
  • Where is the dog? (prepositions: in, on, over, under, between, next to)
    The dog is on the pie.
  • What's the weather like today?
     Today it is...
  • What do you eat for breakfast? (For breakfast I eat...?)
    For breakfast I eat...?
  • How can you get from France to Italy?
    I take a ... from France to Italy
  • What are the three meals of the day?
    Breakfast, lunch, dinner
  • What sports do you play? (I play...)
    I play...
  • What is today?(month, day, date, year)
    April 2022
  • What animals are on a farm?
    There are... chickens, cows, pigs, horses, ducks, turkeys, sheep, 
  • What are you wearing?
    I'm wearing
  • What are you afraid of?
    I'm afraid of...
  • How are you?
    I am...
  • What's one thing you do in your bedroom as a part of your daily routine?
    I wake up, I make my bed, I go to bed, I get dressed
  • Tell me about your house. (In my house I have ...)
    In my house I have ...
  • What's your favorite things? (list 5)
    My favorite... is...
  • What does Santa eat and drink on Christmas?
    Milk and cookies