
Discovery and Colonization

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  • Explain Explotation Colonialism.
    It's a colony where explorers from another country take control, administrate and explore the new land.
  • What are some of the consequences of Colonialism?
    Environmental degradation, the spread of disease, economic instability, ethnic rivalries and many forms of inequalities.
  • Great part of American was colonized by England. The Americas were divided into 13 colonies. What were some of the economical activities performed?
    There was fishing, fur trading, farming, whaling, textile factory, etc.
  • Where was considered to be "The New World"?
    The Americas.
  • Explain Settler Coloniasm.
    It's a colony where people leave their homes behind due to political, economical or religious motives to settle in a new place and build a home.
  • Where was the "Old World"?
    Europe, Asia and African countries.
  • What motivated explorers to go on expeditions?
    Desire for wealth, power and religion aim (Gold, Glory and God).
  • Which technology improvements happened during the Age of Exploration?
    Strong fast ships, canons, astrolabe, magnetic compass, detailed and precise maps.
  • What are the two types of Colonialism?
    Settlement and Exploitation.