
Advanced Class_Review PT12

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  • Tiếp quản (công việc)
    take over. When Mr Baker retired, his daughter took over the family business.
  • (idioms) hardly, not often
    Once in a blue moon My sister lives in Alaska, so I only see her once in a blue moon.
  • (adj) vô tình, vô cảm
    insensitive. She's completely insensitive to my feelings.
  • được miễn phí (thường là bữa ăn/ đồ uống)
    The landlord was very generous to us. All that we consumed in his inn was on the house.
  • (idiom) bắt đầu tranh luận, tranh cãi
    Lock horns = debate, argue, have row with locking horns (noun) = debate, argument The mayor and her deputy locked horns over plans for the new road
  • bằng bất cứ giá nào
    We must reach Khartoum at any cost.
  • (phrase). vừa đúng giờ
    in the nick of time
  • (phrasal verb) Rút lại lời hứa/cam kết b_______ o______
    back out. you promised to help me this weekend- you can’t back out now.
  • (adj) = curious
  • (phrasal verb) = employ, thuê nhân công
    take on. There’s so much work to do in the office that maybe we should take on a secretary.
  • (adj) = exciting, interesting intr___________
    intriguing. These discoveries raise intriguing questions.
  • (Idiom) = because of
    In the light of recent incidents, we are asking our customers to take particular care of their personal belongings.
  • (Phrasal verb) Làm thay việc của ai (khi họ đi vắng)
    Stand in for. Mr Horrid will be standing in for Mrs White while she’s ill.
  • (phrs) = open to question
    up in the air
  • Động đất dẫn đến nhiều mất mát về tính mạng.
    Earthquakes result in a great loss of life.
  • (Idiom) = be criticized
    come under fire The minister came under fire for his rash decision to close down the factory.