
Specialized translation

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  • Multiple choice
  • Fill in the blank: According to Winnicott, adolescence is the trying time for both parents and adolescents because of s___ t____ concern over b ___ i_____ .
    sexual tensions; body image
  • True or False ____ Ambivalence is the state of having simultaneous conflict reactions, beliefs or feelings toward some objects.
  • True or False?___Reparenting is when a psychoanalyst takes the role of a concerned and trustworthy parent so the client can learn what a trusting relationship is like.
    F Psychoanalyst => Psychotherapist
  • Multiple choice
  • Multiple choice
  • Multiple choice
  • Matching
    1-b 2-c 3-a
  • True or False?___During the stage of relative dependence, the child will develop a healthy true self that they can present to the world and with which they are comfortable.
    F (true self → false self)
  • Multiple choice
    A. Mirroring
  • Towards I_______ is a stage accompanying relative dependence, which in health is never to be fully achieved, according to Winnicott.
    Independence (Towards independence involves one’s sense of self growing into an ever-widening and enriching environment in society.)
  • Multiple choice
    C. Handling