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  • Who does Neena live with?
    Gaby and Zac
  • How old is Sam?
  • Does Zac like his job?
    Yes, he does.
  • What does Neena do?
    She's a lawyer.
  • Who is one of Milly's good friends?
  • Where does Sam work?
    at his cafe
  • Who is looking for a new job?
  • Where does Milly come from?
    the U.S.
  • Where does Milly work?
    at her clothes store
  • What's Zac going to do?
    He's going to have breakfast at Sam's cafe.
  • What does Gaby like doing?
    She likes travelling and drinking coffee.
  • What does Gaby do?
    She's a photographer.
  • What food does Sam like?
    He likes croissants.
  • Where is Gaby originally from?
  • Where does Sam come from?
  • Where is Gaby now?
    in London
  • What deos Milly usually do?
    She watches old movies, listens to music and reads a lot.