
review 01

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  • When is winter in Brazil?
    In July, June, and August
  • Can you count from 30-40?
    30, 31, 32, 33...
  • When is Christmas celebrated?
    In December
  • Spell the word (2)
  • A: _____ you ready for the exams? B: Yes, _____ am!
    are - I
  • Do you work on Sundays?
    I hope not!
  • Say one classroom expression.
  • Can you see a ruler next to you?
    Got it!
  • What do we use to write in notebooks?
    Pen, pencils, highlighters...
  • A: _____ your sister married? B: No, she _____.
    is - is not
  • Spell the word (3)
  • Can you count from 75-86
    75, 76, 77, 78...
  • Say two greetings!
    I'm fine, thanks!
  • How do you feel when learning English?
    Happy to hear that!
  • A: _____ you from Berlin? B: No, I'm not.
  • Me and Olivia are happy. _____ love playing!
  • Introduce yourself!
    Nice to meet you!
  • Spell the word (1)
  • How are you feeling?
    Thanks for telling me!
  • Lucy and Jack _____ friends. _____ are here now.
    are - they
  • What is your favorite month of the year?
    Good one!
  • What is your favorite day of the week?
  • How old is your father?
    He seems nice.
  • Monday, _____, Wednesday
  • Are you hungry right now?
    Oh, I see.