
Cell Theory & Parts of a Cell

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  • Look at Image B, What is the name of the 12 subunits?
    Sugar molecules
  • What are the products (things made) in photosynthesis ?
    1. glucose 2.oxygen
  • What organelle am I? - I control What goes in and out of the cell
    Cell membrane
  • 31. Inside what organelle do plant cells convert Carbon-dioxide , Water, & energy from the Sun into Glucose & Oxygen?
  • True or False: All Multicellular organism are Eukaryotes
  • What organelles are Shared by both animal & plant cells ?
    Cell membrane, Cytoplasm, Nuclear membrane, Nucleus , Mitochondria
  • (ANIMAL VS PLANT CELLS) What organelles are only unique to only plant cells ? *HINT ONLY 2**
    Chloroplast & Cell Wall
  • What organelle am I? - I am responsible for providing energy to the cell by using food and oxygen (Cellular respiration)
  • Look at Image A, What is the name of the 12 subunits?
    Amino Acids molecules
  • Look at Image A, What is the name of the large molecule ?
    Proteins Chain!
  • What type of cell am I?
  • What type of cell am I?
  • What is the order of levels of organization in organisms, from least complex to most complex?
    Cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, to organisms
  • What does unicellular mean? provide an example of a unicellular organism.
    An organism made up of only one cell, example bacteria.
  • What are the reactants (ingredients) in photosynthesis ?
    1. sunlight, 2.water, 3. carbon dioxide
  • The bubonic Plague was caused by infected fleas bitting humans, this is an example of what type of disease spread?
  • 27. True or False: Digestion begins in the mouth, but most breakdown happens in the stomach and small intestine.
  • Look at Image B, What is the name of the large molecule ?
    Carbohydrate Chain!
  • What is a tissue?
    collection of cells
  • 33. True or False: All plants have the same number of chloroplast in each cell.
    False. Amount of chloroplast depends on the plants energy needs
  • True or False. The germ theory states that diseases are caused by microorganism.
  • All Cells come from __________ Cells
    Pre-existing/ other cells
  • Typhoid Mary is an example of an infectious disease spreading through a _________ carrier
  • What organelle am I? - my job is to separate the nucleus from the cytoplasm .
    Nuclear membrane
  • how can infectious disease can be contracted? (3 ways ) 
    contact with a vector, Carrier (both symptomatic and symptomatic )
  • True or False : Viral infection can cause an infectious disease .
  • What organelle am I? - I am the control center of the cell, inside of me you will find genetic material DNA