
Latin A Ch 19-22 Vocab/Grammar Review

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  • Give a Derivative for "fama"
    fame, famous, infamy
  • Define the Present Tense
    an action taking place right now
  • Label and Translate: Magistra discipulas vocabat.
    SN-DO-Vt; The teacher was calling the students.
  • Conjugate doleo, dolere into the Future Tense
    dolebo, dolebis, dolebit, dolebimus, doletbiis, dolebunt
  • Give a Derivative for "deus"
  • What does this chapter maxim mean? "Dictum, factum"
    Said and done
  • Give a Derivative for "tectum"
  • Label and Translate: Magistra discipulam vocabit.
    SN-DO-Vt; The teacher will call the student.
  • Label and Translate: Discipuli cogitabunt.
    SN-V; The students will think.
  • Label and Translate: Nauta ad insulam navigat
    SN-P-OP-V; The sailor sails to the island
  • Give a Derivative for "doleo"
    doleful (full of grief/sadness)
  • Label and Translate: Puer inimicum cavet.
    SN-DO-Vt; The boy guards against the enemy.
  • Give a Derivative for "mirus"
    miracle, mirror, miraculous
  • Label and Translate: Puella est poeta.
    SN-LV-PrN; The girl is a poet
  • Label and Translate: Epistula familiam monet.
    SN-DO-Vt; The letter warns the family.
  • Conjugate audeo, audere into the Future Tense
    audebo, audebis, audebit, audebimus, audebitis, audebunt
  • Label and Translate: Lupus ad aquam ambulat
    SN-P-OP-V; The wolf walks to the water
  • Direct Objects are in what case?
  • Give a Derivative for "capitulum"
    chapter, capitol, capital
  • Label and Translate: Dea ad sepulchrum ambulat.
    SN-P-OP-V; The goddess walks to the tomb.
  • Give a Derivative for "latus"
  • Label and Translate: Inimici oppidum oppugnabunt.
    SN-DO-Vt; The enemies will attack the town/city.
  • Label and Translate: Puellae sunt filiae.
    SN-LV-PrN; The girls are sisters
  • Define the Future Tense
    An action that has not happened yet, but will
  • Give a Derivative for "moneo"
    monitor, admonish
  • Define the Imperfect Tense
    An ongoing or incomplete action of the past
  • Give a Derivative for "maneo"
    remain, mansion
  • Direct Objects receive the action of what in the sentence?
  • Conjugate narro, narrare into the Future Tense
    narrabo, narrabis, narrabit, narrabimus, narrabitis, narrabunt
  • Label and Translate: Puer inimicum cavet.
    SN-DO-Vt; The boy guards against the enemy.
  • (True/False) An action verb tells what the subject is, and a linking verb tells what the subject does.
  • Give a Derivative for "paratus"
  • Direct Objects can be found by asking what two questions of the verb?
    what? whom?
  • Define Prepositional Phrase
    the preposition, obj of the prep, and any other words that describe the obj of the prep
  • Give a Derivative for "locus"
    location, local, locale, dislocation, relocation
  • Define Preposition
    a word that connects a noun or pronoun to the rest of the sentence
  • Label and Translate: Filius sepulchra spectat.
    SN-DO-Vt; The son looks at the tombs.
  • A type of action verb that takes a direct object is called what?
    Transitive Verb (V-t)
  • What does this chapter maxim mean? "Scribere est agerer"
    To write is to act
  • Label and Translate: Agricolae terram arabunt.
    SN-DO-Vt; The farmers will plow the earth.
  • Label and Translate: Dominus erat malus.
    SN-LV-PrA; The master was bad.
  • Give a Derivative for "dignus"
  • Define the Object of the Preposition
    The noun connected to the rest of the sentence by the preposition
  • Write out the IMPERFECT Tense of sum, esse
    eram, eras, erat, eramus, eratis, erant