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  • What did the lion open?
    a) his ear b) eye c) his mouth
  • Read this sentence.
    "I'm a lion and you are a mouse."
  • What did the lion do?
    a) woke up b) sat up c) spoke up
  • Read this sentence.
    "If you let me go, I will help you one day."
  • What did the lion get caught in?
    a) a tree b) a box c) a trap
  • Read this sentence.
    "What can you do?" The lion laughed.
  • Did the mouse help the lion?
    a) yes b) no
  • In the end how did they feel?
    a) happy b) scared c) angry
  • Where was the lion sleeping?
    a) under a rug b) under a tree c) under a rock
  • What was the mouse doing?
    a) eating b) sitting c) playing
  • How did the mouse feel?
    a) scared b) happy c) angry