
INTERMEDIATE 1 - New Pulse 4, Unit 2, Grammar an ...

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  • I (didn't see / hadn't seen) a forest fire before I (lived / had lived) in Australia.
    hadn't seen - lived
  • My arm (hurt / had hurt) because I (broke / had broken) it!
    hurt - had broken
  • The Grand Canyon is so (tiny / huge) that many people get lost there.
  • Take lots of water and a hat with you because in the summer it is (fascinating / boiling)!
  • Fiona (was / had been) worried because she (heard / had heard) about the accident on the news.
    was - had heard
  • When (did you realize / had you realized) the lightning (struck / had struck)?
    did you realize / had struck
  • I was absolutely (starving / freezing), but the only food in my rucksack was some chocolate.
  • After walking for eight hours, we were absolutely (exhausted / disgusting)!
  • There was a (gorgeous / delighted) view from the top of the mountain.
  • Trying to survive alone in the jungle must have been a (furious / horrific) situation.
  • By the time the police (arrived / had arrived), someone (called / had called) an ambulance.
    arrived - had called