
Solutions Upper Unit 5

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  • to make someone feel stupid or unimportant by criticizing them
    put down
  • to make someone experience something unpleasant or difficult
    put through
  • to begin to feel better after being unhappy or sick
    get over
  • to invite someone to come with you to a place (e.g. the cinema or a restaurant), especially as a way of starting a romantic relationship
    ask out
  • the feeling that you wish you had something that that someone else has
  • agree with each other
    see eye to eye
  • to arrive/ appear
    turn up
  • to think that someone is less important than you
    look down on
  • to accept unpleasant behaviour or an unpleasant situation, although you do not like it
    put up with
  • to respect and approve of someone or their behaviour
  • to disappoint someone by not doing what you agreed to do
    let down
  • thinking in a similar way and understanding each other
    be on the same wavelength
  • not completely trusting or certain about something or someone
    be wary of
  • to start to talk about a particular subject/mention in conversation
    bring up