
B1 teen exam prep - final review

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  • "My option is a Chinese restaurant, what ... yours?"
  • 3 sentences to describe this picture
  • How can you end an informal email?
    Bye! / See you soon! / Write back soon! ...
  • He ... be working on his laptop.
  • Do you think girls talk more than boys?
  • What advice would you give someone who wants to meet new people?
  • What is the best way to be happy?
  • Two ways to give you opinion
    I think ... / In my opinion ... / From my point of view ...
  • 5 methods of transport
    car, bus, train, bike, scooter, tram, underground...
  • In the exam, you have to write 2 texts in total. True or False?
    False, you have to write 3: 2 in the writing exam, 1 in the mediation
  • Correct or incorrect: I have 13 years old
    Inc, "I am 13 (years old).
  • List 5 vegetables or fruits.
    E.g. pear, apple, cauliflower, red pepper, orange...
  • In the exam, you have to write a story starting with a specific sentence that they give you. True or False?
  • He ... be tired, he can't stop yawning!
  • Correct or incorrect: I listen music in English every day.
    Inc, "I listen TO music in English every day"
  • How can you start an informal email?
    Hi Jane / Dear Jane / Hello Jane ...
  • What can we do to reduce pollution?
  • List 5 ways to describe the weather
    sunny, cloudy, foggy, raining, hot...
  • Two ways to agree with someone
    I agree, you're right, that's true
  • What is the best method of transport in your city?
  • 3 sentences to describe this picture
  • He ... be happy about that!
  • Correct or incorrect: I am 16.
  • List 5 ways to describe hair (not all colours!)
    blonde, shoulder-length, dyed, wavy, long
  • Have you ever ... to Paris? (go)
  • Every Wednesday I ... (have) English lesson.
  • "... we start with the first sentence?"
  • List 5 ways to describe physical appearance.
    E.g. overweight, medium height, slim, tall, strong, ...
  • How has the Internet changed the way people learn?
  • Correct or incorrect: Are you agree with me?
    Inc, "do you agree with me"
  • Two ways to disagree with someone
    I disagree, I don't agree, that's not right...
  • 3 sentences to describe this picture
  • If you could change one thing about your school, what would you change?
  • What are the advantges and disadvantages of going on holiday abroad?
  • Yesterday at 7pm, I ... (do homework) when my phone ... (ring).
    was doing / rang
  • At the moment, I ... (watch) a series on Netflix.
    'm watching
  • List 5 ways to describe personality.
    E.g. shy, generous, ambitious, outgoing, friendly
  • I promise I ... (help) you study for the exam.
    will help
  • Correct or incorrect: I'm wanting to learn a lot of languages.
    Inc, "I want to learn ..."
  • Correct or incorrect: I like a lot going out with my friends.
    Incorrect, "I like going out with my friends a lot"
  • First I ... (open) the door, then I ... (go out). After that, I ... (call) my mum to tell her what had happened.
    opened / went out / called
  • List 5 ways to describe a person's position.
    standing, sitting, kneeling, leaning on, crouching...
  • How can smartphones help people to feel less lonely?
  • A way to give advice
    You should ..., I think it's a good idea to ..., I suggest you...
  • What is the worst thing about being a teenager?
  • Will typical homes be different in 50 years' time?
  • 3 sentences to describe this picture
  • List 5 hobbies
    playing sports, drawing, reading, playing videogames, cycling...
  • I ... (go) to Venice in the summer. I've already bought the plain ticket.
    am going / am going to go
  • Two ways to ask for someone's opinion
    What do you think? / What about you?
  • 3 sentences to describe this picture
  • "It's cold" "I ... (open) the window then"
    will open