
Y4A Term2 Review

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  • Act out a book character.
  • Name 5 sports words.
  • I want to have sushi for dinner.
    我晚饭想吃寿司。wǒ wǎn fàn xiǎng chī shòu sī.
  • listen to music
    听音乐 tīng yīn yuè
  • My teacher is from China.
    我的老师是中国人。wǒ de lǎo shī shì zhōng guó rén.
  • Name 10 animals in Mandarin.
  • Sing spring song.
  • Make a funny dance move.
  • There are pandas in China.
    中国有熊猫。zhōng guó yǒu xióng māo
  • My dad likes to drink tea.
    我的爸爸喜欢喝茶。wǒ de bàba xǐ huan hē chá.
  • Tell a joke.
  • There are elephants in Thailand.
    泰国有大象。Tài guó yǒu dà xiàng.
  • I want to have coke for dinner.
    我晚饭想喝可乐。wǒ wǎn fàn xiǎng hē kě lè.
  • Sing shàng shān zhǎo lǎo hǔ song.
  • Make a sentence that has more than 10 words.
  • Where are you from?
    你是哪国人?nǐ shì nǎ guó rén?
  • Name three Chinese New Year dinner food's name.
  • I had milk for breakfast.
    早饭我喝了牛奶。zǎo fàn wǒ hē le niú nǎi.
  • I had bread for breakfast.
    我早饭吃了面包。Wǒ zǎo fàn chī le miàn bāo.
  • I am not Japnese.
    我不是日本人。wǒ bú shì rì běn rén.
  • play badminton
    打羽毛球 dǎ yǔ máo qiú
  • I can cook.
    我会做饭。Wǒ huì zuò fàn.
  • Can I go to toilet please?
    我可以去厕所吗?Wǒ kě yǐ qù cè suǒ ma?