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  • What do you often do on Sunday?
    I ...
  • Does Maty like the ride? (pic3)
    yes, she does
  • What is her dad saying? pic 4
    He's saying " I'm tired "
  • Do you often help your mom and dad?
    yes, i do / no, i don't
  • Where are they now (pic 3)
    They're on the ride
  • What's about her dad?( pic 3)
    He's scared
  • What is Mary saying? pic 4
    She is saying " dad let's go on the ride again"
  • Where are Mary and her father?
    They're in the theme park
  • How often do you make your bed?
    ...sometimes / always/ ..
  • How many people are there?
    There are six people
  • What do you usually do in the morning?
    I ...
  • Is her dad happy ? pic4
    No, he isn't
  • What ride does she want to go?
    She wants to go on the Rainbow ride
  • Does Mary want to go on ride again? (pic 4)
    yes, she does
  • How often do you tidy up?
    ...sometimes / always/ ..