
Modern Art & Science

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  • This Dutch Post-Impressionist painter was unknown during his unfortunately short life, but became famous after his death. His famous works include both "Starry Night" and "Self Portrait."
    Vincent Van Gogh
  • This Serbian engineer and inventor never actually received a degree. He invented hugely important devices for electrical supply, transport and wireless technologies.
    Nikola Tesla
  • This Spanish artist was influenced by impressionism and Renaissance painters. He became one of the best known surrealist painters and is known for his work "The Persistence of Memory."
    Salvador Dalir
  • This Renaissance artist and inventor was obsessed with anatomy, but also realistic paintings. Best known for the Last Supper and the Mona Lisa.
    Leonardo Da Vinci
  • This Spanish artist started with realist paintings, then began working with surrealism and cubism. He is known for his surrealist and cubist works such as "The Three Musicians" and "Guernica"
    Pablo Picasso
  • This man was born in a poor immigrant family in New York City. After gaining scholarships, he was one of the first to create a successful viral vaccine which eradicated Polio
    Jonas Salk
  • This German man was considered one of the greatest physicists of all time and helped create the nuclear bomb. He became famous in 1905 publishing a paper on atomic theory and special relativity.
    Albert Einstein
  • This English chemist published his groundbreaking study of atomic theory where he theorized that atoms were made up of similar and indivisible elements.
    John Dalton
  • This Renaissance man was both an engineer, physicist, and astronomer. His work, "The Starry Messenger," would lead to trouble with the Catholic Church for its heliocentrism.
    Galileo Galilei
  • This English born naturalist, geologist, and biologist came up with the groundbreaking theory of Natural Selection after visiting the Galapagos Islands.
    Charles Darwin
  • This Renaissance sculptor and painter was a rival of Da Vinci. He was the first Western artist to have a biography published while still alive and is known for "David" and the Sistine Chapel.
  • This French chemist pioneered vaccination and germ research. His understanding of germs and their effect on disease would lead to breakthroughs in food safety and health treatment.
    Louis Pasteur
  • This English mathematician created theories about motion and gravity in the 1600s. They would become the basis for modern physics.
    Isaac Newton