
Unit 5 "Energy"

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  • Mention Renewable energy! (5)
    Sun, Water, Wind, Biomass, Foods
  • When you use the radio, there is a change in energy. The change that occurs is ..... energy to ..... energy
    Electric to Sound
  • The types of sounds are divided into ....., which consists of ....., ....., .....
    3, Infrasonic, Audiosonic and Ultrasonic
  • Light is divided into 2 types, .... light and .... light
    Visible and Invisible
  • Name an animal that can hear infrasonic sound! (3)
    Crickets, Dogs and Elephants
  • Food produce ..... energy for the body so human/animals can move
  • What energies were discussed together in Unit 5?
    Sound and Light Energy
  • The picture shows that light can...
    Light can be Refracted
  • When you use the electric stove, there is a change in energy. The change that occurs is ..... energy to ..... energy
    Electric to Heat
  • The properties of light are divided into .....
  • The picture shows that light can...
    Light can Travels Straight
  • Name an animal that can hear Ultrasonic sound! (3)
    Bats, Whales and Dolphins
  • The existence of a rainbow, proves that light can...
    Light can be Described
  • (Yes/No) Animals in the picture can hear Ultrasonic sound?
  • Based on the picture, what energy changes can you find?
    Electric energy to Movement/Motion energy
  • What sounds can be heard by human ear?
    Audiosonic Sound
  • (Yes/No) Animals in the picture can hear Infrasonic sound?
  • The Sun is a source of energy .... and ...
    Heat and Light Energy
  • Where do we get energy from?
    Natural Resources
  • The picture shows that light can...
    Light can be Reflected
  • Where does the sound come from?
    Vibrating objects
  • Mention Non-renewable energy! (4)
    Fossil Fuels, Petroleum, Coal and Natural Gas
  • Sound with a frequency of 20-20,000Hz is called...
    Audiosonic Sound
  • What kind objects that can be penetrate by light?
    Clear Object (Things that don't have a dark color)
  • Based on the picture, what energy changes can you find?
    Electric energy to Wind Energy