
Story Prediction Fun Deck

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  • My mom drives to the grocery store and parks. She gets out of the car and finds a shopping cart. Mom takes out her shopping list. What will Mom do next?
    Mom will get the groceries on her list.
  • I am going to see my Uncle Frank in Florida. I get my suitcase out of the closet. I look in my closet and drawers to see what clothes I need to bring. What will I do next?
    I put the clothes in my suitcase.
  • Luis and Ernest go fishing. They bait their hooks. For a long time they sit in the boat waiting for a fish to bite. Luis feels a tug on his fishing rod. What will happen next?
    Luis catches a fish.
  • My pet monkey loves to eat bananas. When I give him a banana, he jumps up and down, then he peels the banana. What will my pet monkey do next?
    My pet monkey eats the banana.
  • Rashida washes her clothes and puts them in the dryer. When the dryer goes off she hears a "buzz" sound. She goes to the dryer, opens the door, and puts the clothes in a basket. What will Rashida do next?
    Rashida folds the clothes and puts them away.
  • Andy studied all night. The next day at school, she takes out a pencil. The teacher gives each student paper so they can write their answers. The teacher gives directions. What will Andy do next?
    Andy takes a test.
  • The little puppy is in the backyard, digging a hole under the fence. The puppy digs the hole deep and wide. What will the little puppy do next?
    The little puppy will go under the fence to the other side.
  • Sienna and her friend are at the amusement park. They plan on riding a roller coaster. They stand in line and wait their turn. What will Sienna and her friend do next?
    Sienna and her friend get on the roller coaster.
  • Otis and his brother share a bedroom. Otis's brother makes his bed every day. Their mom comes in the room and says, "Otis, you better make your bed like your brother." What will Otis do next?
    Otis makes his bed.
  • "Aadi, get your umbrella before you leave the house," Mom says. Aadi hears the drip-drop of rain outside his house. He opens the door. What will Aadi do before he steps outside?
    Aadi will open his umbrella.
  • Mr. Cortez works at a bank. He gets up early in the morning and eats a good breakfast. Mr. Cortez puts on a suit and his favorite tie. What will he do next?
    Mr. Cortez will go to work at the bank.
  • It is dark outside. The gray clouds look like they are about to burst. There is a strange rumbling in the background. What will happen next?
    The rain will start to fall.
  • Aunt Kiana likes to walk on the beach and find shells to add to her collection. She looks down and sees a beautiful cream-colored shell. What will Aunt Kiana do next?
    Aunt Kiana picks up the shell to put in her collection.
  • Victor puts toothpaste on his toothbrush. He looks in the mirror, smiles, and shows his teeth. Victor turns on the cold water. What will Victor do next?
    Victor brushes his teeth.
  • Haley stands in the long cafeteria line. She gets her food and waits to pay for it. She pays the cashier and sits down with her friends at the lunch table. What will Haley do next?
    Haley eats her lunch.
  • Robbie makes pizza for his family. He takes the dough and tosses it in the air. He smooths the dough in a round pan. He adds toppings like cheese and pepperoni. What will Robbie do next?
    Robbie puts the pizza in the oven to bake.