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  • What pet have you got?
    I've got a budgie.
  • What pet have you got?
    I've got a turtle.
  • What does a rabbit eat?
    A rabbit eats leaves.
  • What is it?
    It's a puppy.
  • What pet have you got?
    I've got a kitten.
  • What do puppies eat?
    Puppies eat wet food.
  • Where does your parrot live?
    My parrot lives in a cage.
  • What is it?
    It's water.
  • What is it?
    It's a rat.
  • Where does your goldfish live?
    My turtle lives in an aquarium.
  • What pet have you got?
    I've got a stick insect.
  • What pet have you got?
    I've got a hamster.
  • What is it?
    It's milk.
  • What pet have you got?
    I've got a snake.
  • What do birds eat?
    Birds eat seeds.
  • What pet have you got?
    I've got a frog.
  • Where does your turle live?
    My turtle lives in a terrarium.