
UD 13

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  • Describe his hair.
    He has got short, curly black hair.
  • Has she got black skin?
    Yes, she has.
  • Who is he?
    He is a brother.
  • Has he got blond long hair?
    No, he hasn't.
  • Describe her hair.
    She has got long, curly brown hair.
  • Who is he?
    He is a baby.
  • Has he got red hair?
    No, he hasn't.
  • Who are they?
    They are a family.
  • Has she got small eyes?
    No, she hasn't.
  • Who is she?
    She is mum.
  • Has she got blond hair?
    Yes, she has.
  • Has she got short hair?
    No, she hasn't.
  • Has she got long hair?
    Yes, she has.
  • Has she got fair skin?
    Yes, she has.
  • Has she got curly hair?
    Yes, she has.
  • Has he got blue eyes?
    No, he hasn't.
  • Who is he?
    He is dad
  • Who are they?
    The are grandmother and grandfather.
  • Who is she?
    She is a sister.