
Explore Treetops 2 - revision

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  • How to say 80 in English?
  • Poproś w sklepie o piłkę
    Can I have a ball, please?
  • Poproś w sklepie o lizaka
    Can I have a lollipop, please?
  • Zapytaj kolegę/koleżankę skąd pochodzi
    Where are you from?
  • Name 5 things in your bedroom
    wardrobe, bed, desk, bookshelf, drawers, lamp, etc
  • Zapytaj kolegę/kolezankę czy umie jeździć na rolkach
    Can you roller skate?
  • What are you wearing today?
    I'm wearing ...
  • Where's the cat?
    in the wardrobe
  • Zapytaj kolegę/ koleżankę ile ma lat
    How old are you?
  • How to say 90 in English?
  • Where's the cat?
    on the shelf
  • Name 5 places in town
    library, playground, post office, police station, school etc.
  • Name 5 things you can wear
    trousers, shorts, trainers, a skirt, a dress, a tracksuit etc.
  • Where's the dog?
    under the chair
  • How to say 13 in English?
  • Zapytaj kolegę/koleżankę czy lubi ryż
    Do you like rice?
  • Name 5 things you can eat
    bread, rice, salad, soup, fish etc.
  • What's this?
    a wardrobe
  • Zapytaj kolegę/koleżankę czy umie pływać
    Can you swim?
  • What's this?
    a kite
  • Where's the dog?
    In the drawer
  • What's this?
    a bracelet
  • What's this?
    a desk
  • How to say 20 in English?
  • Name three things you can do
    swim, run, play football, dance, roller skate