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  • The number of years a person is expected to live is called..
    Death rate
    Life exectancy
    Natural growth
    In active population
  • Birth rate - death rate = ?
    birth rate
    death rate
    Natural growth
  • The number of babies born in a place in on year is the...
    Death rate
    Birth rate
    Natural growth
  • What describes urban areas?
    Many buildings, large population, busy area.
    none are correct
    Small amount of houses, lots of empty land.
    Small population, little traffic.
  • What is population?
    Number of inhabitants in a place.
    People older than 65.
    Number of babies born.
  • What do we need to calculate population growth?
    Birth rate, death rate, immigrants and emigrants
    immigrants and emigrants
    Birth rate and death rate
    non of these are correct
  • What is the census?
    The number of births and deaths.
    People who are able to work.
    A list of information about the population of a country.
  • What age group are they part of?
  • What are the 3 catagories to classify population?
    Area, age and other
    Population, country and other
    none are correct
    Age, activity and other
  • What are the 2 groups of population for activity?
    Inactive and active.
  • What is migration?
    Population growth
    When people remain in one place
    When people move from one place to another
  • What is an Emigrant?
    A person who comes to live in a place.
    A person who stays in one place.
    A person who leaves one place to live in another place.
  • What age group are they part of?
  • An immigrant is a person who...
    leaves a place to live in another place.
    comes to live in a place.
  • The number of people who die in one year is called..
    Birth rate
    Life expectancy
    Death rate
  • How often does the local council update the municipal register?
    Every 10 years
    Every day
    Every year
    Every 2 years