
Vocabulary 2 - 4th grade - 2U

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  • find yourself: to realize that you are in a particular situation or place, or doing a particular thing, when you did not intend to
    part of speech: verb. He'll find himself with no friends at all if he carries on behaving this way.
  • wake yourself up: to stop yourself from sleeping.
    Part of speech: verb. He woke himself yo by snoring to loudly.
  • enjoy yourself: To enjoy yourself is to feel happy because of a situation or an event in which you took part
    part of speech: verb. I really enjoyed myself last night.
  • rhinoceros: a very large, thick-skinned animal from Africa or Asia that has one or two horns on its nose
    part of speech: noun. I saw a rhinoceros at the zoo.
  • see yourself: to imagine yourself as something else.
    Part of speech: verb. I see mylself as a famous actor in future.
  • lucid: clearly expressed and easy to understand, or (of a person) thinking or speaking clearly
    part of speech: adjective. She gave a clear and lucid account of her plans for the company's future.
  • legends: a very old story or set of stories from ancient times, or the stories, not always true, that people tell about a famous event or person
    part of speech: noun. The dance was based on several Hindu legends.
  • sand: a substance that consists of very small grains of rock, found on beaches and in deserts
    part of speech: noun. The children played all day in the sand
  • look at yourself: to see yourself literally or figuratively,
    Part of speech: verb. Jane's always looking at herself in the mirror.
  • invisible: impossible to see
    part of speech: adjective. The man is invisible.
  • help yourself: to serve yourself something, usually food or drink, without waiting for permission or someone to do it for you.
    Part of speech: verb. Jimmy helped himself to some soda.
  • last night: The evening or night immediately before the present.
    part of speech: adjective. He said he didn't get any sleep last night
  • sprinkle: very small pieces of coloured sugar or chocolate used as a decoration on the top of cakes
    part of speech: noun. Scatter sprinkles over the top of the cake
  • tell yourself: to drescribe something in words to yourself.
    part of speech: verb. I told myself it was just dream.
  • share: to have or use something at the same time as someone else
    part of speech: verb. I share an ice cream.
  • neighborhood: the area of a town that surrounds someone's home, or the people who live in this area
    part of speech: noun. There were lots of kids in my neighborhood when I was growing up.
  • remind yourself: to help yourself remember something.
    Part of speech: verb. I used my cell phone alarm to remind myself to buy some milk.
  • history: past events considered together, especially events of a particular period, country, or subject
    part of speech: noun. I studied modern European history at college.
  • famous: known and recognized by many people
    part of speech: adjective. Messi is a famous person.
  • think to yourself: to use the mind to form ideas, make decision or reason without speaking one's thoughts.
    Pat of speech:verb. I spent the whole night thinking to myself.