
Review of perek 49 complete

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  • ד - Why does ראובן not get more than his brothers? What did ראובן do wrong?
    He was “quick as water”. He moved the bed of his father.
  • ט - What is it referring to “From the prey my son rose up”?
    From what יעקב suspected him of killing יוסף, and from killing תמר – יהודה saved them
  • טו - Why is יששכר called a taxed worker?
    Everyone depends on תלמידי חכמים from יששכר to teach them the תורה.
  • כה - When was יוסף “את שד'י - with ה'” that he now deserves ברכה?
    When he didn’t listen to אשת פוטיפר.
  • א – Why did יעקב tell his sons to gather together? What happened?
    He wanted to reveal them when would be the “end of days”. The שכינה left him and he began to speak about other things.
  • ז – What did יעקב curse?
    שמעון & לוי’s anger
  • יד – What is יששכר compared to? Why?
    A strong boned donkey. Carries the yoke of learning תורה like a donkey carries heavy burdens.
  • ה – Why are שמעון & לוי called brothers?
    They did things together by שכם and against יוסף.
  • כב - When was a time when יוסף made himself taller?
    To block עשו from seeing רחל
  • י - What does שילה refer to? How?
    משיח – "שהמלוכה שלו"
  • כח - Why does it say “each one’s ברכה, he blessed THEM” and not HIM?
    They all shared some of the other brothers’ ברכות as well.
  • ו - Which “man” did they kill? Why are they called “a man”?
    חמור & the people of שכם. They were like one man to them.
  • כא – How is נפתלי compared to a deer & what are “beautiful sayings” (3)?
    1. Fruit will ripen quickly in his land, they will praise ה' for it. 2. They went quickly to fight against סיסרא, sang a song to ה' after 3. Ran back to מצרים t
  • כה - Where should the ברכות come from and be?
    From above & below, blessings of fatherhood & motherhood.
  • כו – What did יעקב say about his own ברכות that he received? Explain.
    They are greater than the ones of my parents. They were not limited.
  • לא – Who had been buried in מערת המכפלה?
    אברהם & שרה, יצחק & רבקה, לאה
  • כ – What is יעקב’s ברכה to אשר?
    There will be so much oil in his land, all his food will be very oily & rich.
  • ז - How will שמעון & לוי be divided amongst ישראל?
    From שמעון will be poor people, סופרים, and Rebbeim of children. לוי will collect תרומה & מעשר.
  • ו - What “ox” did they want to uproot?
  • כב – How is יוסף described?
    Son of favor.
  • כג – who made יוסף bitter?
    His brothers, and פוטיפר & his wife
  • לד - How does רש"י explain “ויאסף אל עמיו” - and doesn't say וימת?
    יעקב אבינו לא מת
  • יא - Why does it say he will wash his clothes in wine?
    There will be so much wine he could wash with it like water.
  • יג – Where will זבולון be? Why?
    By the seashore. He will do business with the merchandise from the boats, to support יששכר so they can learn תורה
  • יט – What does it mean גד marches back on his heels?
    After going to battle, they will all return victorious without missing anyone.
  • ח – Why does יעקב say to יהודה “you - your brothers will praise you”?
    He was afraid what יעקב was going to say to him after speaking harshly to his brothers. יעקב said – you are different!
  • ט – What is יהודה compared to? Who is that hinting to? (רש"י)
    A young lion, then an adult lion. Dovid Hamelech who began to lead under Shaul, eventually became king.
  • ה - What did they steal?
    Their weapons are stolen “tools” of עשו – murder.
  • ו – What did יעקב say that he didn’t want to be part of?
    The story of זמרי and קרח
  • ד - Who else did ראובן desecrate?
    The שכינה that would come on my bed.
  • כד - When were יוסף arms covered with gold?
    When פרעה put ring on his finger.
  • י – What does “the scepter will not leave” refer to? When?
    The leaders will be from יהודה - in בבל and נשיא in א"י
  • כח – Why does it say he blessed them – some of the שבטים did not get a ברכה?
    To teach us that he also gave them a ברכה (even though we don’t see it in the פסוק).
  • יח – Why does יעקב daven for a ישועה?
    Referring to when they poke out שמשון’s eyes and he Davens to ה' to help him.
  • כז – What is יעקב referring to when describing בנימין as a wolf? Why the morning? What is he referring to “in the evening”?
    שאול who fought his enemies, he was the first king. מרדכי & אסתר who were during the גלות of Nevuchadnetzar – they received house of Haman
  • יב – What is the ברכה of red eyes and white teeth?
    A person who drinks much wine gets red eyes. There will be a lot of milk from the many animals because of the good pasture.
  • כט – What did יעקב tell the שבטים?
    I am about to be נפטר. Bury me in מערת המכפלה
  • יא – what does tying his donkey to vine refer to?
    There will be so much wine in his land that you will load a donkey with grapes from one vine.
  • ג – How does יעקב begin to describe ראובן?
    My strength and first power.
  • טז – When will דן bring justice to ישראל? Why is he compared to a snake?
    At the time of שמשון he will take revenge from the פלישתים who, just like a snake, indirectly killed many of them.