
Reported Speech

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  • Molly said to Jack "Don't forget to phone the electrician"
    Molly reminded Jack to phone the electrician
  • I'll never do it again (she)
    She promised to never do it again
  • I didn't steal the wallet! (he)
    He denied stealing the wallet
  • Why don't go we out for dinner? (she)
    She suggested going out for dinner
  • My neighbour told me "I'll call the police if you have any more parties"
    My neighbour threatened to call the police if I had any more parties.
  • You should ask the teacher (she)
    She advised me to ask the teacher
  • I wish I hadn't bought a secondhand car (she)
    She regretted buying a secondhand car.
  • Shall I open the window? (he)
    He offered to open the window
  • Of course I'll come with you! (he)
    He agreed to come with me.
  • "We aren't going to bed. It's too early" (the children)
    The children refused to go to bed early.