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  • What can robots do at our home?
    They can do basic chores like answering the phone or vacuuming the carpets
  • What is the third Asimov's Laws of Robotics?
  • What can robots do to help police?
    enter buildings to look for bombs
  • Is it likely for robots to take over from humans at any time in the future? Why?/Why not?
    No, it isn't. Because they are tied to their programming which humans are control of
  • What personalities and human characteristics does Andrew Martin have ?
    friendliness, loyalty, humor and creatitvity
  • Are robots today similar to Andrew Martin?
    No, they aren't
  • Do robots nowadays have independent thought or action?
    No, they don't
  • Who starred as Andrew in the film?
    Robin Williams
  • In the future, having a robot to do household tasks is as common as having a _________
    microwave oven
  • What can robots do to help doctors?
    They help during surgeries
  • What does the movie raise questions about?
    technology and the future and machines
  • What is the first Asimov's Laws of Robotics?
  • What do experts in AI insist?
    robots will never develop the consciousness and emotions need for reasoning and creativity