
Chemistry Review, part 2

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  • What is the difference between endothermic and exothermic reactions?
    Exothermic- releases energy, feels hot. Endothermic- absorbs energy, feels cold.
  • Chemical Property
    A characteristic that describes how the matter will change under certain conditions.
  • Do you think this was a chemical reaction or a physical reaction? WHY?
    PHYSICAL. No “new” molecules were created. The CO2 was already in the bottle, the mentos collected and released the CO2.
  • Product
    The molecules formed during a chemical reaction. What you get after you add “stuff” together☺
  • In this lab you had acetone and Styrofoam mix to form an interesting solution. Identify what the solvent was.
  • In this lab you had acetone and Styrofoam mix to form an interesting solution. What is the solute ?
  • What are nucleation sites?
    Tiny pits on the mentos that collect CO2.
  • What is the Law of Conservation of Matter?
    Matter and mass can not be created or destroyed.
  • Reactant
    The molecules that take part in a chemical reaction. What is added together☺
  • What is a group?
    These are called families too. This is the column. This will explain how many valence electrons there are, example group 1 has 1 valence electron.
  • Physical Property
    Any characteristic of a substance can be observed without changing the identity of the substance.
  • What is a Chemical Formula?
    Chemical symbols and subscripts to identify the number of atoms of each element in a molecule of a compound. (Ex: H2O – 2 H atoms plus 1 O = 3 atoms
  • Oxidation
    The chemical reaction occurs when a substance reacts with oxygen.
  • Nonmetal
    Does not readily conduct electricity or heat and is usually a gas at room temperature.
  • Metal
    Good conductor of electricity and heat, most are solids at room temperature.
  • Was the acetone and styrofoam a heterogeneous solution or a homogenous solution, why?
    Heterogenous- Not evenly mixed, we can also remove the styrofoam.
  • What are precipitates?
    A solid that forms from a chemical reaction that takes place in a solution.
  • What is a period?
    Rows on the periodic table, they are read left to right. The period will show you how many shells each row of elements have. Ex. Period 2 has 2 shells, Period
  • List five clues that indicate that there was a chemical reaction.
    1) Change in color 2) Release of energy 3) Formation of a gas 4) Precipitate 5) Odor
  • What is the Periodic Table?
    The chart organizes information of all known elements according to their properties.
  • What does the atomic number represent?
    Protons OR electrons