
Indirect vs Direct Characterization

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  • Peter was bored with the TV program, but the remote control was across the room, so he just watched it anyway. Jan would be in soon, and she could get the remote control for him then. Direct or Indirect?
  • True of False: Good characterization creates a clear picture in the reader's mind
  • Ms. H has brown hair and blue eyes. Direct or indirect?
  • If a writer tells you what a character is like the method is called _______. Direct or indirect characterization
  • Henrietta is a wonderful friend. Direct or indirect?
  • The old mechanic hated modern electronics, preferring the old days when all he needed was a stack of manuals and a good set of tools. Direct or Indirect?
  • If a writer prefers to show characters in action, the method is called _______. Direct or indirect characterization?
  • Jake walked around the lunchroom. For every new student he saw, he stopped and said hello and gave them a fist bump. Direct or indirect?
  • Kelly pushed her way to the front of the cafeteria line, ignoring all the dirty looks and complaints of the people who had been there before her. Direct or indirect?
  • The dog had 8 teeth. Direct or indirect?
  • Shelley worked hard on Saturday. She pulled weeds, planted flowers, and cut the grass. Direct or Indirect?
  • Steve was very lazy, and would never move himself more than was absolutely necessary. Direct or indirect?
  • Characterization is... the central message in a story. the problem in a story. the process by which a writer reveals a character's personality and qualities.
    the process by which a writer reveals a character's personality and qualities.
  • Kylie’s name was called, and she slowly walked up to the stage, staring straight at the ground. Direct or indirect?
  • Linda is an amazing musician. Direct or Indirect?
  • Vera looked as if a strong gust of wind might carry her away. Direct or indirect?