
Unit 9 Quiz 1 Review

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  • What is the formula for the perimeter of a square?
    Side x 4
  • Name this angle.
    <GFE or <EFG
  • What is the measure of the angle on the protractor?
    50 degrees
  • What is the name of this angle?
  • Find the area.
    35 square inches
  • Find the missing angle.
    111 degrees
  • Find the perimeter.
    20 in
  • What is a Polygon?
    A closed plane figure made of three or more line segments
  • Find the area.
    16 square cm
  • What is the formula for the perimeter of a rectangle?
    L + W + L + W
  • What is the formula for the area of a rectangle?
    Length x Width
  • Find the missing angle.
    112 degrees
  • Find the perimeter.
    24 yd
  • What are the three types of triangles named by the number of equal sides?
    Equilateral, Isosceles, and Scalene
  • Find the area.
    33 square mi
  • What is a Square? (Think: Classifications not Characteristics)
    Polygon, Quadrilateral, Parallelogram, Rectangle, Rhombus
  • What is the formula for the area of a square?
    Side x Side
  • Find the perimeter.
    28 mi