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  • What is matter?
    Anything that has mass and volume.
  • Catalyst
    a substance that causes or accelerates a chemical reaction. The catalyst was the yeast in elephant toothpaste.
  • Solubility
    A measure of how much of a substance dissolves into in a given amount of another substance.
  • What does the atomic mass represent?
    Protons and Neutrons
  • What is an atom?
    The smallest part of an element.
  • Are melting point and freezing point the same temperature?
  • If we took the mass of the reactants and the mass of the products in GHOST GAS, they would be different. The Law(s) of Conservation of Matter states that matter is the same. What happened?
    The product contained CO2 , the CO2 was poured out of the beaker as a heavy gas and became part of the atmosphere.
  • If an atom loses an electron, the atom is positive or negative? Why?
    Positive, the atom now has more protons than electrons.
  • What elements have 1 valence electron? What do we call these?
    H, Li, Na, K - Alkali
  • What are three subatomic parts of an atom? (Include charges)
    1. Proton (positive) 2. Neutron (no charge) 3. Electron (negative)
  • Chemical Reaction
    Change of a substance into a new one that has a different chemical identity.
  • Malleability
    Ability to be hammered or shaped into thin sheets.
  • Specific Heat
    The amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of a substance by 1 degree Celsius.
  • What elements have complete outer shells? What do we call these?
    He, Ne, Ar - Noble Gases
  • What is sublimation?
    Phase change- solid to a gas without an intervening stage of a liquid.
  • Chemical Reactivity
    Describes how an element forms bonds with other elements. This is unique for each group/family.
  • What does the atomic number represent?
    Protons or Electrons
  • The Law of Conservation of Matter states....
    1) Matter cannot be destroyed or created in chemical reactions. 2) In a chemical reaction, the total mass of the reactants equals the total mass of the pro
  • Chemical Change
    A substance is CHANGED into a new substance with different proper
  • Density
    The ratio of mass to volume (g/cm3 or g/mL)
  • What are valence electrons?
    Electrons located on the outermost shell
  • Physical Change
    Changes the physical properties without changing the identity of the identity of the substance. (Ex: Ice melting)
  • What is chemistry?
    The scientific study of matter, its properties, and interactions with other matter and energy.
  • Electrical Conductivity
    Material that allows electrons to flow through easily.
  • Magnetism
    Force of attraction or repulsion between like or unlike poles.