
Module 7.02 DBA

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  • List some reasons for variations in salinity in the different oceans.
    Freshwater, Icebergs melting, high evaporation rate, lack of access to open water(Mediterranean)
  • What is William's Favorite Color?
    Green like money
  • What is one thing William likes to do that is not school related?
    Go to the gym, lift weights, go to the beach, play football and go to work.
  • How has human behavior negatively impacted the Gyres and ocean habitat?
    Pollution get trapped in the rotating current and is mistaken for food by larger animals. (Garbage patch)
  • Explain the Coriolis Effect and the influence it has on wind.
    Rotation of earth causes wind patterns, density differences, pressure patterns and toilet bowl effect.
  • Name an interesting fact about William
    He works at a restaurant or He might be a ninja.
  • The process by which nutrients and energy resurface in the ocean water
    gyre rotation
    Coriolis effect
  • Ocean surface vortex
    Tidal wave
    Spring tide
  • What causes the daily tides?
    gravitational pull of moon, sun and earths position.
  • What is erosion? What are some natural things that cause erosion?
    the wearing away by natural agents; rain, ice, wind, sun, water, waves