
Vocabulary 1

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  • checkout: the place in a shop, especially a large food shop, where you pay for your goods
    noun, I checkout sometimes a thing
  • downvote: to click (= choose) a symbol to show that you dislike or disagree with something you have read or seen on the internet upvote: to click (= choose) a symbol to show that you like or agree with something you have read or seen
    verb, I downvote some videos/ I upvote some videos
  • take off: If an aircraft, bird, or insect takes off, it leaves the ground and begins to fly
    verb, the planes take off in his flights
  • trend: a general development or change in a situation or in the way that people are behaving
    noun/verb, the trend is sleep
  • turned off: a road that leaves another road to go in a different direction
    verb, I turned off the computer
  • meme: a cultural feature or a type of behaviour that is passed from one generation to another, without the influence of genes
    noun, the memes are funny
  • rhythm: a strong pattern of sounds, words, or musical notes that is used in music, poetry, and dancing
    noun, I like some rhythms
  • photobomb: to appear behind or in front of someone when their photograph is being taken, usually doing something silly as a joke
    verb, A photobomb are "funny"
  • look up: to become better
    noun, I look up every time
  • earworm: a song that you keep hearing in your head
    noun, The earworm is upset
  • crowdfunding: the practice of getting a large number of people to each give small amounts of money in order to provide the finance for a project, typically using the internet
    noun/verb, In the teleton there's a lot of crowdfunding
  • bling: jewellery or decoration that attracts attention because it is very noticeable and looks expensive
    noun, the bling is some expensive
  • tweet, a short, high sound made by a bird
    noun, Some persons tweet every day
  • staycation: a holiday that you take at home or near your home rather than travelling to another place
    noun, all vacations i pass them staycation
  • bing-watch: to watch several episodes (separate parts) of a television series or programme, one after another
    verb, I binge-watch some sundays
  • apologize: to tell someone that you are sorry for having done something that has caused problems or unhappiness for them
    verb, I apologize to someone when i make someone sad
  • click bait: articles, photographs, etc. on the internet that are intended to attract attention and encourage people to click on links to particular websites
    noun, some websites uses clickbait
  • poetry: poems in general as a form of literature
    noun, I like the poetry