
1st of BVT - Unit 5

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  • Damon is wearing casual / formal clothes.
  • Order the words: "play / your sister / can / the piano / ?"
    Can your sister play the piano?
  • Complete with present continuous: "James _____ for charity". (run)
    is running
  • Order the words: "taking / the train / they / are / ?".
    Are they taking the train?
  • Correct the sentence: "He's play in a charity football match at the moment".
    He's playing in a charity football match at the moment.
  • Correct the sentence: "Can Helen cooks a paella?"
    Can Helen cook a paella?
  • We are really happy in this photo. We're all smiling / smileing.
  • Order the words: "French / you / can / speak / ?"
    Can you speak French?
  • Manchester United are winning / is winning 3-0 against Liverpool.
    is winning
  • I'm studying / I're studying history at university.
    I'm studying
  • Complete with present continuous: "Mick and his girlfriend _____ football". (not play)
    aren't playing
  • Correct the sentence: "Steve and Martyn can driving".
    Steve and Martyn can drive.
  • Correct the sentence: "They not wearing a school uniform right now".
    They aren't wearing a school uniform right now.
  • My parents is paying / are paying for the meal.
    are paying
  • Correct the sentence: "Ellie can speak three languages?"
    Can Ellie speak three languages?
  • Complete with present continuous: "Alex and Anna _____ in the sea". (not swim)
    aren't swimming
  • Order the words: "talking / very loudly / I / am / ?".
    Am I talking very loudly?
  • Correct the sentence: "I'm not stay at the Grand Hotel".
    I'm not staying at the Grand Hotel.