
Chemical Changes in Matter

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  • wax melting is an exmaple of a________
    Physical change
  • rust on an iron fence. Chemical or physical change?
  • Give 3 exmaples of a physical change (where the substance remains the same) (they don't have to be from your book)
    broken pot, ice that melts, water solidifies 
  • do you think photosynthesis is an example of a phisical or chemical change?
    since water and carbon dioxide combine to form glucose and oxygen, its a clear exmaple of a chemical change
  • Freezing Juice? Physical or chemical change
  • Is melting butter for popcorn a chemical or physical change?
  • Which is an example of a chemical reaction? paper cut into small pieces, chocolate melting in a pan, flour and sugar mixed in a bowl, cookies baking in an oven
    cookies baking in an oven
  • Which of the following is NOT an example of a physical change? crumpled paper, pencil sharpening, shrunken clothing, or rust
  • What is a sign that a chemical reaction has occurred?
    change of color, presence of sediment or precipitate, production of gas, release of heat, etc
  • Give 3 examples of a chemical change (where the nature of the substance changes) (from your book or not)
    iron that oxidises, food rotting, a match that burns
  • A change where one or more new substances are created?
  • What are the two different types of changes of a substance?
    In one type of change the substance remains the same (physical) and in the other it becomes different (chemical)
  • When you have a fire with your friends, what kind of chemical change is happening?
    Chemical change (the wood is different than how it looked at the beginning after it has burned.)