
4th Grade Unit 6 Jobs & Tag Questions

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  • This person collects books, organizes books, and lends library materials.
  • This person works in business.
    businessperson! Businesswoman/Businessman
  • They aren't in Mumbai,
    are they?
  • She studies very hard every night,
    doesn't she?
  • He's very handsome,
    isn't he?
  • You aren't from Brazil,
    are you?
  • Is this a costume or uniform?
  • This person is a doctor for animals.
    Veterinarian (Vet
  • The weather is really bad today,
    isn't it ?
  • I'm not the person with the tickets,
    am I?
  • This person plans and helps other employees in a business. They are leaders that help their team with projects.
  • I like chocolate very much,
    don't I?
  • This person creates a language that only computers understand. They program and help fix problems with computers.
    computer programmer
  • They aren't on their way already,
    are they ?
  • This person helps the doctor and works in a hospital, office, or school.
  • This person protects and rescues people from fire emergencies. Sometimes they even save cats!
  • Are these costumes or uniforms?
  • This person inspects and repairs vehicles, machines, and big trucks. They help make sure engines and motors run correctly.
  • John's a very good student,
    isn't he?
  • They need some new clothes,
    don't they
  • This person uses math and science to solve technical problems with things like buildings, houses, bridges, and streets. They can also design things like machines.
  • This person flies planes. They make flight plans and make sure the plane is safe for the passengers.
  • Julie isn't a doctor,
    is she ?
  • This person works in a salon. They cut, color, and style people’s hair.
  • We're late again,
    aren't we?
  • She's from a small town in China,
    isn't she ?
  • We live in a tiny flat,
    don't we?
  • Is this a costume or a uniform?
  • David and Julie don't take Chinese classes,
    do they
  • This person helps solve crimes. They speak to people and help them with their problems. These people protect the city.
    Police Officer
  • She doesn't work in a hotel,
    does she