
Valencian Culture (Erasmus)

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  • Where can you find one of the largest aquarium in Europe?
    City of arts and science museum
  • What is the most famous fruit in Valencia?
    Oranges, tangerines
  • Where is the Valencian county located?
    On the east coast, by the Mediterranean sea
  • What is the name of a typical sweet drink from Valencia?
    Orxata /Horchata
  • Name some of the most famous beaches in Valencia
    Malvarosa, Patacona, Saler,
  • What is the name of the main river in Valencia?
  • Where is our school located?
    In the neighbourhood called El Cabanyal
  • What is the name of our school?
    Pureza de María Grao
  • Tell me the name of the 3 main cities in the Valencian County
    Alicante, Castellón and Valencia
  • What is the name of the monument that was used to exchange silk?
    La Lonja
  • What is preserved inside the Valencian Cathedral?
    The Holy Grail
  • Which drink or cocktail is typical in Valenca?
    Agua de Valencia
  • If you want to buy fresh food where will you go?
    Central Market
  • If you want to tour by bike or foot through a 9 km garden you will go to.....
    Turia Garden
  • What does it happen the last day of "Fallas" festival?
    The fallas, all monuments are burnt
  • What are the typical food appetizers in Spain?
  • Which festival is celebrated in Valencia from the 15th until the 19th of March?
  • Name two of the typical Valencian sweets or desserts
    Turrón, Pastelitos de Boniato, Rollitos de anís, Coca de Lllanda
  • What is the name of the typical dish from Valencia?
  • Tell me the name of a famous neighbourhood close to the beach, and to our school
    The Cabanyal
  • When is "The Fallas" Festival celebrated?
    From the 15th until the 19th of March
  • Where do they mainly celebrate the Holy Week processions?
    In the maritime villages
  • How many official languages are there in Valencia? Name them
    2, Spanish and Valencian
  • How many steps will you climb up if you visit the Miguelete tower?
    207 steps
  • What is the name given in Valencia to the typical snack between breakfast and lunch?
  • What is the name of an event in "Fallas" where we can listen hundred of firecrackers?
  • Name the natural park surrounded by rice fields
    The Albufera park
  • Spain in divided into ...........counties
  • The Valencian Cathedral is a mixture of............styles
    Romanesque, Baroque and Gothic styles