
binge watch

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  • binge-watch: to watch a lot of episodes of a TV show one after another
    Verb I binge-watched the entire season over the weekend
  • crowdfunding: the practice of getting a lot of people each to give a small amount of money to finance a business project
    Noun Jimmy is going to make his movie through crowdfunding
  • rhythm: His music of that period fused the rhythms of Jazz with classical forms.
    Noun The secret to moving a hose is in the rhythm.
  • earworm: a catchy song or tune that runs repeatedly through one s mind
    Noun that TV show theme tune is a total earworm!
  • clickbait: online content that exaggerates interest or importance in order to generate traffic to websites
    Noun most of the posts on my newsfeed are clickbait
  • look up: I hope things will start to look up in the new year.
    Noun I want a guy I can look up to and admire.
  • staycation: a vacation spent at home
    Noun I`m going back to work on Monday after a two week staycation
  • photobomb: a photograph that has been ruined by the unexpected appearance of someone as the picture was taken
    Verb/Noun photobombs are more fun when celebities are involved
  • downvote/upvote: to register disagreement with or disapproval of an online post by clicking on an icon
    Verb/Noun the rude comment you made yesterday
  • checkout: the place in a shop, especially a large food shop, where you pay for your goods
    Noun We should check out the alibi, talk to his friends.
  • take off:if: If an aircraft, bird, or insect takes off, it leaves the ground and begins to fly
    Verb The plane took off three hours late.
  • apologize: to express or make an apology; acknowledge failings or faults
    Verb: I need to apologize, and you're gonna make that happen.
  • google: a search engine on the internet.
    Noun/Verb I always use Google to look for information on the net
  • poetry: There have been a fantastic number of entries for this year's poetry competition.
    Noun Nature and landscape occupy a vital place in his poetry.
  • meme: an entertaining or interesting picture or video that is shared widely online, often with slight alterations each time
    Noun the funny video of a cat eating birthday cake quickly became an internet meme
  • tweet: a brief message that someone writes on the Internet using the social media application Twitter
    Noun he posted a tweet thanking his fans for their support
  • trend: a direction or fashion that is being followed
    Noun/Verb a subject of many social media posts in a short period of time
  • bling: expensive, flashy clothing and jewelry
    Noun he wears a fur coat and a lot of bling
  • turned off: It's four kilometres to the turned-off for Norwich/the Norwich turn-off.
    verb It's four kilometres to the turned-off for Norwich/the Norwich turn-off.