
Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment Review Game

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  • What did Angel name her dog?
  • Who frees Max, Fang, Nudge, and Angel from the School?
    Iggy and Gasman
  • What special ability does the Gasman have? (it's not farting)
    He can mimic any sound or voice
  • Iggy suffers from which of the following? (deafness, asthma, blindness, ADHD)
  • Who stole Angel's bear from her?
  • What are Angel's gifts? (Name any/all of the 3)
    Mind reading, mind control, and breathing underwater
  • Who is Jeb the biological father to?
  • What are two things Iggy is good at?
    Cooking and picking locks
  • What does Max call the scientists at the school?
  • Why does Max go to Ella's house?
    She was injured
  • Where does the flock go after escaping the school?
    New York
  • What do Max's wings look like?
    White with tan freckles
  • Who is Max's second in command of the flock?
  • What kind of mutants are the Erasers?
    Part human and part wolf
  • Where did the flock stay when they first arrived in NYC?
    Central Park
  • Which pair are biological siblings?
    Gasman and Angel
  • What did Angel name her stuffed bear?
  • What is the Institute called?
    The Institute of Higher Living