
Course 10 Final Competition

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  • What is a Family Gripe? Give one example
    [Open answer]
  • For schedules/timetables we use...
    Simple Present
  • Mention 4 members of a blended family
    stepfather, stepmother,halfbrother, stepsister
  • Consuming ______ salt is a risk factor for developing Hypertension.
    too much
  • Teacher Jose _____ 27 on August 7th.
    will be
  • Tell us a childhood memory using "used to" and "would"
    [Personal answer]
  • We always keep a carton/a bottle of orange juice in the fridge.
    a carton
  • For regular activities or states in the past that don't happen anymore, we use...
    used to
  • "Could you bring two _________ of bread, please? One won't be enough.
  • My salad wasn't filling _______. I guess I'll have something else 'cause I'm still hungry.
  • How old is Teacher José?
    26 y/o
  • I think you ________ (look for) a better job.
    should/ought to
  • My dad is always ____________ (tell/get) more exercise but I just don't like working out!
    telling me to get
  • "I'm trying to eat ______ junk food such as pizza or burgers. They're delicious but not very healthy."
  • We __________(travel) around the country on our next holiday.
    are going to travel
  • I think I_____________(get) a promotion soon.
    will get
  • "My girlfriend is always telling ___ to slow down while I'm driving."
  • After _______ a lot of thinking, I finally ______ a decision.
  • "My parents ________ study law but I'd rather study Medicine." (want)
    want me to
  • I'm ____ full! I ate _______ french fries.
    too/too many
  • Complete the structure: let/make/help/have + __________+ verb
    object (pronoun)
  • Respond to the offers by letting me decide or refusing politely. (Unit 5 Lesson C)
    [Personal answer]
  • In order to eat healthily, you should include more vegetables in your diet and eat______ sugar and salt.
  • "My parents won't _______me use the car."
  • When I propose to my girlfriend and she says "yes", she becomes my...
  • Complete the question with the correct form of "used to": "What kind of music ____ you _______ like?
    did/use to
  • In your opinion, what is the best age to get married? Give your opinion using the expressions learned in Conversation Strategy (Unit 4 Lesson C)
    [Personal answer]
  • For decisions made at the moment of speaking, we use...
  • What is the difference in use between "do" and "make"?
    [Open answer]
  • Mention 5 causative verbs
    let, make, help, have, get, want, ask, tell
  • My father's brother is my...
  • Mention 3 useful expressions to give an opinion
    If you ask me/It seems like/It seems to me/As far as I know
  • What is this cooking method?
  • "I _______ be kind of chubby when I was a kid."
    used to
  • When I was a kid, my parents _______ take us the park every Sunday morning. We _______ play for hours!
    used to/would