
Sea Turtle Trivia

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  • How long can a turtle go without breathing? (25 seconds, 55 minutes, 5 hours)
    They can hold their breath underwater for up to five hours.
  • How many eggs does a turtle lay? (3, 300, 100)
    150 eggs.
  • What type of animal is a sea turtle? (reptile, mammal, fish)
    A reptile.
  • Which of the following are predators? (racoons, dogs, squirrels, crabs, scorpions)
    racoons and crabs
  • What year did laws make it illegal to catch turtles and their eggs? (1890, 1981, 1901)
  • What is accidental catch?
    Turtles caught by accident by humans fishing.
  • True or false. Out of 100 hatchlings about 90 will survive.
  • Which sea turtle only lives in Australia? ( loggerhead, flatback, green turtle)
    the Flatback
  • Why does a female turtle lay so many eggs?
    So that some turtles will survive. So many of the hatchlings are eaten by predators.
  • Can sea turtles hide inside their shell?
    Unlike their cousins on land, they can't.
  • The oldest sea turtle's name is: (Jogger, Joey, Jonathan)
  • Sea turtles live in the sea and lay their eggs in the sea. True or False?
  • What man-made product harms sea turtles? (nets, plastic, boats)
  • True or False. A turtle goes back to its birthplace to lay their eggs.
  • How far does a turtle migrate? (up to 100 , 100 or 2000 km)
    They can migrate 2000km. Some have been known to swim across whole oceans.
  • Sea turtles have been around for more than...( 150 million years, 150 years, 1500 years)
    150 million years
  • Do sea turtles have teeth?
    No, they don't! They have a beak which they use to tear food before swallowing.
  • What is a baby turtle called? (a h-----ing)
    A hatchling.
  • Which of these is not a sea turtle? Loggerheads, tortoise, Flatbacks
  • A reptile is an animal that lays eggs and breathes air with its lungs. True or False
  • Sea turtles live in which temperature of water? (cold, hot, warm, freezing)
  • What is the opposite of shallow water?
    deep water
  • Which of these does a turtle not eat? ( crabs, shrimp, coral and fish)
  • A hatchling is smaller than (a human thumb, a human hand, a robin's egg)
    a human hand
  • When was the first turtle known to have lived?
    120 million years ago, when the dinosaurs lived on the planet.
  • What is a sea turtle's favourite thing to eat? (jellyfish, eggs, worms)
  • What is the opposite of shallow water?
    deep water
  • What does a turtle have on it's back?
    A shell.