
Great Barrier Reef

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  • How long is the great barrier reef?
    It is 2,300 kilometers long.
  • Name five creatures that can be found in the reef.
    Mollusks, crustaceans, sponges, worms, echinoderms, fish, birds and turtles.
  • How many species of fish can be found in the reef?
    1,500 species of fish can be found there.
  • What determines the sea turtle's sex?
    The temperature of the sand determines it.
  • Is all coral hard?
    No, some of them are soft and spongy!
  • Complete the sentence: The Great Barrier Reef is the ____________ coral reef in the world
  • What is the only living thing on Earth that can be seen from space?
    It is the Great Barrier Reef.
  • How does a coral reef grow?
    New polyps become attached to the old ones' skeletons. When they die, their skeletons are added to the reef, making it bigger.
  • What kind of creatures form coral reefs?
    Coral reefs are formed by polyps.
  • How many individual reefs form the Great Barrier Reef?
    Approximately 3,400 individual reefs form the Great Barrier Reef.
  • Where is the Great Barrier Reef located?
    It's located along the northeastern coast of Queensland.