
What time is it ?

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  • Is it two fifteen?
    Yes, it is two fifteen.
  • What time is it ?
    It's eight o'clock.
  • Is it eight five PM ?
    Yes, it's eight five PM.
  • Is it half past eleven?
    No, it is not half past eleven. It's half past ten.
  • What time is it ?
    It's a quarter to 4. It's three forty five.
  • What time is it ?
    It's midnight.
  • Is it 30 minutes to five?
    No, it is not 30 minutes to five. It's 35 minutes to five. It's four twenty five.
  • What time is it?
    It's a quarter to ten. It's nine forty five.
  • What time is it?
    It's noon.
  • What time is it ?
    It's one twenty five.